What A Weekend!

This past weekend, we had folks using their fitness doing a variety of different things!
First, I’d like to congratulate all the folks who competed in the Central Florida Kettlebell Sport Open – Karen Raga, Veronica Dejong, Adam Wright, Joe Blazina, and Esteban Godoy. I’d also like to give an extra special shout out to Coach Lucien – you did such a fantastic job not only putting the whole competition together, but also getting all these guys ready for competition day. Well done everyone! And to Rachel and Della – thank YOU for allowing CrossFit For Glory to host this competition! We look forward to many more in the future.
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That same Saturday morning, we had a bunch of CFG Ladies doing the Warrior Dash. They liked it so much that they have since requested to have more (and longer) runs at CFG in the future. Perhaps we will just have to oblige them…? Job well done ladies, sure sounds like you all had an absolute blast together! That reminds me: we have decided to make a return to Tough Mudder this year and will be releasing details of our team very soon, so stay tuned.
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As if that weren’t enough success over the weekend, we had ALL of the competitors at the Bars and Stripes Weightlifting Meet stand on the podium! Rob Rivera took home (another) gold medal, Brandon Carver, Lydia and Eva Parra took home silvers, and Eddie took home bronze! On top of that, there were a BUNCH of PR’s!
Finally, to close out the weekend, Tim Gaydosh and Coach Mark James were up in Boston for the CRASH-B Indoor Rowing Championships. Both guys set PR’s and finished well in their respective divisions!
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To each and every one of you – those of us at CrossFit For Glory are so proud of you. The success you all had was a testament to the hard work we saw you putting in over the past few months – Congratulations!!

people working out in a group fitness class


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