************************** QUICK ANNOUNCEMENT************************
We will be CLOSED ALL DAY on Tuesday, July 4th!
Crossover Activation Row, 8 reps (2 sec hold at end range)
Crossover Activation Reverse Fly, 8 reps (2 sec hold at end range)
Crossover Activation Pull Down, 8 reps (2 sec hold at end range)
Pec lax ball smash
B. Weightlifting:
Bench Press
5 x 3 @80% 1RM
10 min AMRAP with a partner (One person moving, one person holding static pose, then switch):
A. One Partner does Down and Back KB Front Rack Hold while other does Push Up Plank Hold
B. One Partner does Down and Back KB Waiter/Farmer Combo Carry while other does Hollow Hold
D. Post-WOD Recovery:
Crossover Recovery Row, 10 reps, 6 sec negative
Crossover Recovery Reverse Fly, 10 reps, 6 sec negative
Crossover Recovery Pull Down, 10 reps, 6 sec negative
Pec/ Scapula lax ball smash