Couple of announcements:
1. This weekend is our Olympic Weightlifting Workshop. If you have not signed up yet, and if ever wanted the opportunity to work on your olympic lifts in depth and/or I’ve ever heard you say that you wished we worked on these more – you better be in attendance.
Workshop will last from 10:30am-1:30pm and the cost is just $50.
The workshop will be much more time intensive and hands on than what you are used to seeing in a regular session. In addition to specific positional and movement work, we will have video analysis(!) and programming lectures so that you can learn how to best utilize these movements for your specific goals (i.e. CrossFit competition, weightlifting competition, general health and fitness, etc). They are geared with everyone in mind – beginners, intermediates, elite athletes, and even coaches.
As of Sunday night, we had only about 10 spots remaining – so speak NOW and speak LOUD!
2. The Adult Gymnastics classes that we’ve had posted on the community board kicks off this Wednesday night @ Bay City Gymnastics. It is very close to Riverview High School – just use “the google” to find your way. Class kicks off @ 7:30pm and cost is just $35/month.
A. Skill:
Bambi band pause back squats
Don’t worry, we will go over technique/ rationale with you!
Warm up to 50% of your back squat 1RM, then perform 4×10 at that weight.
Between your squats complete 20 GHD back extensions and 30 standing band rows.
Front Rack – 4 x 30s
For Time –
21 Clusters (115/75)
Run 200m
15 Clusters
30 Double-Unders
9 Clusters
9 Burpees