Results For Category: "Movement"

Scaling of CrossFit WODs…1/21/13

Before we get into tonight’s post, I want to apologize for the delay in the posting of my weekly recap. With all the great t…

Force, Work, and Power…1/16/13

This is a great reference to return to time and time again in order to fully grasp what it is we do at the box. I encourage everyo…

Why Warm-Up?

Each day, we begin class with a dynamic group warm-up. It varies slightly day to day, depending on the demands that will be impose…

The CrossFitter's Survival Bag

Before an early morning WOD this past week, Josh watched as I took a multi-tool out of my WOD bag to make a quick adjustment to my…


CrossFit, in it’s most primal sense, is about competition. This goes hand in hand with the most primal instincts of human be…

The Injury Bug (Part 1)

Let’s talk injuries…or boo-boo’s for some of you less mature folk out there.  Injuries happen. They are a part of l…

The Injury Bug (Part 2)

Back to the show… The second kind of injury is “Chronic.” Shoulders always stiff and sore? Elbow tender to the t…


Personal Records, or PR’s, are representations of completing a task that you have NEVER done before. Read that part again: c…