Hello there CFG Intramural Fans! Here is your weekly update of the leaderboard. Down below, you’ll find a few different things:
- Overall score sheet where we showcase each teams points thus far.
- Leaderboard for the separate divisions.
- Note: for the scaled leaderboard, you’ll have to scroll until you see the (s) next to peoples names to see where their scoring starts. This is the only way to populate a “scaled” leaderboard from the Games website.
Here is how things are shaking out right now in terms of placing:
- WallBallerZ – 59 points
- Smoked Bacon – 38 points
- Swole Train – 37 points
- Squat Mafia – 23 points
- Power Cleans and Pizza – 19 points
For Week 1, the “Spirit of the Open” award went to Team WallBallerZ!! Not only did they show a tremendous amount of support for ALL CFG athletes (as everyone did), they also coordinated wearing Super Hero shirts all week long (nice theme guys), had Jason wear the below shirt during the Open on Saturday, and even sent out a video message to Justin Spadoni thinking he’d be doing 16.1 away from CFG. But in all honesty, can you argue against a team who brought these in? No…no, you can not. Great work WallBallerZ.
Keep in mind that this thing is FIVE WEEKS LONG…dont get hung up on where your team stands right now – this goes for ALL teams…you never know what other “fun” challenges #TeamHeadJudge may toss out there!
Teen Leaderboard
Masters Leaderboard
RX Leaderboard
Scaled Leaderboard