Welcome to Volume 2 of our Monthly Newsletter! If you missed our inaugural one, I encourage you to go back and check it out here! We talked about the reason behind its inception, introduced a few topics like what shows we’re watching and how to get music added to our playlist…an always popular topic of conversation in the gym.

Happy Happy Birthday!
Our September babies at CFG are:
- Zack Newcity
- Coach Stephanie
- Coach Nick
- Cole Pruitt (one of our longest standing Kids Program attendees!)
- Ellen Javier
(If we missed your birthday, please know it wasn’t intentional. We likely just need to update our records so hit reply and let us know when yours is!)
Coach’s Thoughts:
From Coach Steph – “
“You only need one goal. Have you ever made a list of all the things you need to do for the day? You start writing down a few things and then all of a sudden there’s 25 bullet points staring at you in the face. You have so much to do and not enough time and not sure what to do first Even if you get the first few things you originally started with, you failed to get everything else done so you feel like crap.
Goals are kinda the same. If you make too many goals at once, it can feel overwhelming. Not to mention it’s impossible to be successful. So here’s my advice-
Make one goal for a specific area of your life. Make it specific, measurable, attainable, realistic and time based. Keep this the main thing and when you take action or make those mini to do lists, keep this goal as the end game or focus. I’m always happy to help with this :)”
Content You May Have Missed:
Expand Your Time Horizon – sometimes a reframe in perspective can make a big difference. So can offering yourself a bit of grace in an otherwise ‘all-the-things-all-the-time’ world. Little things, done over a long period of time, can make a big difference. Be patient, take smaller steps, and expand your time horizon. You’ll find more meaning in the journey and end up with sustained success as a bonus.
Learning and Using New Skills – if you’ve ever wondered how you can not just learn a new skill, like a single double under or pull-up or push-up, but then actually put it to use inside of a workout, then this blog was for you!
How to Be Your Own Nutrition Coach, Part 1 and Part 2 – this blog series is really in service of my vision for the world: a place where health and fitness professionals are no longer necessary. This means that it is my duty, my mission, to teach you how to fish. If you simply rely on someone else to tell you what to do and how to do it, then you are always dependent on that person. I’m not in favor of that, and so this is part of that mission. Stay tuned for Parts 3 and 4 this month!
The CFG Story – speaking of mission and vision, here’s a short (for me) video I filmed on this back in January.
Bright Spots:
Mazel Tov to Jon Zaifert’s daughter Samantha on becoming Bat Mitzvah on August 20th! Samantha led Saturday service by reading from the Torah and continued her celebration with a party filled with friends and family!
Client Awards:
The Restless Award, for the person most likely to shorten….er, skip, the rest period – Karena Caputo!! (Seriously, she has such an impressive engine to keep going and going – Way to Go Girl!!)
The Abominable Chalk Monster – Jay Bradley!! (Some say that not only does he chalk up for burpees and box jumps, but he also chalks the steering wheel of his car and his cell phone!)
Worthy Education:
Book from Coach Josh – The Carnivore Code (With a meat-centric diet making the rounds again, this time known as the carnivore diet, I was interested to see what more I could learn. I’ve not been disappointed; it’s a heavy, but informative, read.)
The Wrap, The Roundup, The Debrief, The You-get-the-idea:
We’re just over one month in with the kids back in school. While I’d love to say that people have figured out the whole traffic thing, we all know that’s not quite true, LOL! But I have seen a number of our teens behind the wheel and after I get far far away from them, I look on and smile with pride as they take another big step in growing up. Cue the tears…
As for the adults, while we waved good-bye to sled pushes and yoke walks, we said a big hello to sled drags, perpendicular bench pressing, and a different way to challenge our core/midline with different carry variations. Post-workout walks have grown in popularity, especially after entirely-too-many wall balls are done!
That wraps up Volume 2 of our Monthly Newsletter. As always, if there’s anything you’d like us to write/talk/video about, just hit ‘reply’ and let me know!
P.S. If you think a friend would like this, please forward it along to them as well.
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