Oh yea, I put together this little gem yesterday. To say that I am proud of all your hard work and effort over the entirety of the 10-week squat cycle would be a tremendous understatement. You’ve made me a proud coach, once again, and continue to bring validity to the programming being tested on a daily basis at CrossFit For Glory!
A. Weightlifting:
Snatch – 15min to 1RM
Why doesn’t your receiving position look like this? FIX IT:
For Time –
30-24-18-12-6 Double Unders
5-4-3-2-1 Snatches @ 60% above
*Notes –
1. This can be done as either a full snatch OR a power snatch + an overhead squat. So long as you pass below parallel it doesn’t matter.
2. 10min time cap