What Really Makes Us Fat? 7/12/12

For those that attended our ‘Intro to Paleo’ presentation a few months ago, the title of this should not be too revolutionary. But with so much misinformation bombarding us each and every day, it’s hard to be confident in what you’ve learned recently. Here is a fantastic piece from the New York Times by Gary Taubes where he reviews a new study that came out that further confirms what us intelligent folk already know: a calorie is NOT just a calorie…and eating fat does NOT make you fat!
While there are a ton of great points made in the article, here are a few of my favs:
– “The results were remarkable. Put most simply, the fewer carbohydrates consumed, the more energy these weight-reduced people expended.”
– “If we think of Dr. Ludwig’s subjects as pre-obese, then the study tells us that the nutrient composition of the diet can trigger the predisposition to get fat, independent of the calories consumed. The fewer carbohydrates we eat, the more easily we remain lean.”
And the GRAND FINALE: “From this perspective, the trial suggests that among the bad decisions we can make to maintain our weight is exactly what the government and medical organizations like the American Heart Association have been telling us to do: eat low-fat, carbohydrate-rich diets, even if those diets include whole grains and fruits and vegetables. ”
And now, the WOD:
A. Skill:
Running Mechanics
4 Rounds for Total Working Time –
7 Split Shoulder Press (95/65)
Run 200m
14 Barbell Hops
iPhone 287

people working out in a group fitness class


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