Ya Snooze, Ya Lose!! 10/19/12

snoozeThe snooze button is one of life’s little luxuries, and it’s easy to kid yourself into thinking that all you need is an extra ten, twenty—heck, let’s make it thirty—minutes in the sack. But if you’re lying there snoozing, you’re lying to yourself. At best, it’s a psychological crutch. At worst, it’s throwing off your brain chemistry for the day. And it’s certainly not helping you get any real rest.
Read the rest here…
In short, wake up naturally, when your body tells you to, without hitting the snooze. Weekends are a great time to get a good feel for how much sleep you actually require. Well, that is if you DIDN’T tie one on the night before!
A. Skill:
Bench Press Intro
10min AMRAP
5 Strict Chin-Ups
10 Pistols
15 KB High Pulls

people working out in a group fitness class


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