
Just a heads up, we will NOT have the 6PM class on Thursday 10/31 – gotta get our little dude ready for Halloween! Feel free to pile into the 4PM class.
IMG 9876
A. Skill:
12min to 1RM Split Jerk
4×3 Jerk Drives @ 110% of Max Weight Above(Demo Video), rest 60s
*Notes: what this video doesn’t show too well is that you are just popping the bar off your shoulders a few inches, NOT actually putting it overhead. This is to emphasize the “dip, drive” portion of the jerk and to demonstrate how important it is to do so with a perfectly vertical torso throughout the movement. Any deviation or forward inclination of the torso will result in the bar going forward, so don’t let that happen. Lastly, an incredibly tight midline MUST be maintained from the time you step out from the rack as you’ll be supporting far more weight in the rack position than you are accustomed to.
Couch Stretch
Buy-In –
100 Double Unders
– then –
3 RFT –
20 Shoulder Touches (ea arm), alternating
30 KB Swings (53/35)

people working out in a group fitness class


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