Ladies and gentlemen, we have a winner for the caption contest – Chad Gallemore! You may pick up your free t-shirt next time you’re in! Here is the winning entry:
Runner-Up was a tie between Margaret Clark, “Did she really just ask me if the “clean” meant a full squat clean or a power clean??” and Mark Grdovic, “”Ok, we start in ten seconds, stay focused, you got this, 5, 4, 3 …is that girl wearing the new Nanos?”
In case you missed the announcements about this week, here they are again:
This is our infamous de-load week. This means a few things:
1) We won’t have a hellacious squat routine this week. Volume AND intensity will be dialed back big time. Our formal squatting day will be Wednesday.
2) I would like you all to dial back your normal intensity and approach towards this weeks WODs a bit. Instead of grinding for 100% every time, stay within your comfort zone this week, somewhere near the 80-85% range.
3) Get plenty of sleep and food!
4) No extra work this week.
5) This Saturday is our “Food as Fuel” nutrition seminar. Its from 11-12:30 and FREE to all who want to attend. Hope to see everyone there!
Believe it or not, Tough Mudder is right around the corner. We’ve created our team that you all are welcome and able to join. Info:
Team Name – CrossFit For Glory
Password – winning
Date – Sunday, November 9th
Why – Cause it’s awesome and we want to talk Jay into getting electro-shocked, again.
Today’s skill WOD is perhaps my most favorite day of the year – MAX HEIGHT BOX JUMPS! Let’s make it happen!
A. Skill:
15min to Max Height Box Jump
Foam Roll Calves – 3 x 30s ea side
3 RFT –
30 Box Jumps (24/20)
30 Double Unders