Weekly Announcements:
- Don’t forget our Summer Specialty Class Offerings. Especially all you 9am people who love to swing on rings…
- Summer Yoga with Chantel – read more here!
“I’m a big believer in the power of inexperience. It was the greatest asset I had when I started TFA. If I had known at the outset how hard it was going to be, I might never have started. –Wendy Kopp
Repurpose some of your lawn as garden space and grow your favorite vegetables. This will help you appreciate just what’s involved in making and delivering food to you. Next best: seek out local farmer’s markets and by local produce.
Reverse Hyper – 3×20
B. Weightlifting:
30min to a 1RM Deadlift
C. Metcon:
On a 7min clock:
30 cal Row
30 S2OH (115/80)
In remaining time, AMRAP of Hang Power Clean (115/80)
*Score is the number of Hang Power Cleans
Post WOD Recovery:
3×20 – Reverse Hyper