******Couple of Announcements:******
- Did you see the RIDICULOUS pictures that Rob took this Saturday for 16.2? You should probably take a look…and share them! Here is the link.
- The monthly challenge for March is underway – 300 minutes of Mobility!! Be sure to log your time on the whiteboard as you walk in!!
A. Skill:
10min clock –
Practice Pistol and Handstand Push-Up Progressions
Pistol Progressions:
– Band Assisted (seated)
– Counter Balance
– Off a box
– No assistance on floor
Find the appropriate progression that allows you to perform comfortably for 4 reps on each side!
HSPU Progressions:
– DB Push Press
– Feet on box
– Inverted on Wall
Difficulty is adjusted by depth of push-up. Find the appropriate progression that allows you to perform 5 strict.
Ankle Mobility
10min Ascending Ladder:
3 Deadlift (225/155)
3 Handstand Push-Up
6 DL
9 DL
12 DL
…continue going up by 3’s in each movement until time runs out.
1) One round is completing the deadlifts and handstand push-ups
2) Score is total rounds + any extra reps into the next round
3) If you need more then 1×45 under an ab-mat for HSPU, you will do 2x HRPU
D. Post-WOD Recovery:
Hamstring Stretch