
***January Announcements***

So we are officially past the holidays, which means only one thing – THE OPEN IS COMING!!! Ok, well we actually have a LOT of great stuff on the slate for all of you. We will keep you guys informed in class as well as on the blog and email…we don’t want you missing out on anything! Here are a few things for January:
1) Our next nutrition challenge starts on Monday, January 11th. You better be part of this one!
2) Our FIRST EVER Monthly Challenge has begun! Row 1000 calories by month-end. Rowing in a WOD does not count. You can record your progress on the whiteboard by the front door.
3) The ‘Advanced Theory Course’ begins on Wednesday, January 13th (I mistakenly wrote the 14th on the whiteboard, that’s what I get for looking at the 2015 calendar!). It’ll go for 6 weeks from 6-7pm and is open to everyone!
4) CFG Roller Skate Night is Saturday, January 30th.
Also, throughout the month of January, we will be focusing on improving our pull-ups during our general warm-ups. It won’t be anything intense or crazy, but each day I will program something (technique/skill work, strength building, or volume work) to include in whatever warm-ups we are doing for that day.


  • Pull-Up Work – 3 x 10 Ring Rows w/ False Grip (make them challenging, but doable)

A. Weightlifting:
Snatch – 4 x 3 @ 75% 3RM (Take a look back at your best touch and go 3RM from the past 3 weeks. Take 75% of that weight, and then do 4 sets of 3 reps. Yes…it should feel VERY LIGHT!)
LAX + Lateral Border of Scap
4 RFT –
10 OHS (95/65)
20 Wall Balls (20/14)
30 Double Unders

  1. RX+ must do everything unbroken!
  2. Scale f/ DU = bar hops
  3. 18min time cap

D. Post-WOD Recovery:
Quad Smash

people working out in a group fitness class


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