New blog post up on Monday…you should read it: “Embrace It”
And then register for the Open: Games.CrossFit.Com
A. Skill:
Alternating EMOM –
Even -> 7 Pull-Ups (C2B or Regular)
Odd -> 10 Burpees
Lat Stretch
Tabata All This Stuff –
Strict Press (45/35)
KB Swing (53/35)
Wall Ball (20/14)
Ring Rows
1) 8 rounds of each movement, :20 on, :10 off
2) You will do ALL 8 rounds of one movement before moving to the next
3) You will record your LOWEST rep count of each movement, then add those 4 numbers together for your total rep count to enter into WODIFY
4) Ring Row Standard – rings will be at SAME HEIGHT for everyone. Feet must start and stay underneath the bar the rings hang from. Why? BECAUSE WE SAID SO! Seriously, ask and we’ll explain it.
D. Post-WOD Recovery:
Quad Smash