A. Skill:
15 min Muscle Up Skill Practice
1) Banded Hollow/ Arch (10 reps)
2) Horizontal Ring Rows (10)
3) False Grip Hold
1) Banded Hollow/ Arch (10 reps)
2) False Grip Hold
3) False Grip Hollow/ Arch swing
4) Hollow/ Arch swing with pull to hips
1) Banded Hollow/ Arch (10 reps)
2) Hollow/ Arch swing with pull to hips
3) Pull to bottom of dip, come out of ring and re-establish hook grip
4) MU while holding dodgeball between feet
Banded overhead stretch
Health –
15 min AMRAP
15 Double unders
10 Deadlifts (135/95)
5 ring dips
Scale: attempts
Fitness –
15 min AMRAP
15 Double unders
10 Deadlifts (135/95)
5 Ring muscle ups
D. Post-WOD Recovery:
Foam Roll Lats
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