
A. Skill:

IMG 7291
Happy Dance!

3-Position Clean (full squat) + 1 Jerk – 5×3
Front Rack
3 RFT –
10 Clean and Jerks (135/95)
Run 400m
Today’s WOD is a great couplet that combines a weightlifting movement and a running component. Here are some tips:
1. The loading on the C&J should be something that you can move through steadily. A set of 5 unbroken reps should not be a challenge.
2. The run should be at about 80-85% of your top speed, so if your all-out 400m time is 1:00 flat, then you want to be around 1:10-1:15 today. A steady pace throughout will pay dividends.
3. This WOD should be limited by your lung capacity…how well can you work at a high heart rate? It should not be slowed down by small sets of 1-2 reps in the C&J
4. Finally, manage your rest and transition time. Huge chunks of clock time can be eaten up by chalking your hands every 3 seconds or toweling off your forehead every time you blink. Plan to take a set number of breaths when you rest…then stick to it!

people working out in a group fitness class


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