

Weekly Announcements:

  1. Summer Yoga with Chantel – read more here!
  2. Gauntlet For Glory, our first ever in-house partner competition, is slated for August. Read more here!



“Your income is directly related to your philosophy, not the economy.”
–Jim Rohn



Stick to your plate. – Don’t go family style when it comes to dinner time, fix your plate and stick to that as your dinner. Just be sure to load it up enough so that you get full and aren’t looking at the leftovers with a yearning look in your eye.





Lacrosse ball + pec & glute

B. Skill:
15min to practice Handstand Push-Ups & Pistols – Work up to a difficulty that allows you to complete 5 unbroken HSPU and 5 Pistols on each leg

C. Metcon:

12min AMRAP, with a partner:
Partner 1 – Row 20 cal
Partner 2 – Max rep Box Jump Overs (24/20)

*Partner 1 will row 20 calories while partner 2 completes as many Box Jump Overs as possible. Once partner 1 rows all 20 calories, switch who is rowing.
*Score is total Box Jump Overs.


Post WOD Recovery:

Pigeon Pose – 2min each side
Couch Stretch – 2min each side

people working out in a group fitness class


Talk with a coach to see if working out at Coaching For Glory is right for you.
Free Consult