We have a created a Relay for Life team for 2015. The event will be held right across the street at Newsome on Saturday April 18th. We need YOU! Please let us know if you are willing to be part of our team to participate at Relay. The day of, we will have rowing and burpee challenges to garner donations for the American Cancer Society. We also plan to ROW a MARATHON (yes you read that right) as a team during the 24 hours of Relay. This will be design for you to have people “sponsor” you for donations on the amount of meters you row. In addition, we will have in house opportunities to donate through WODs and challenges. Please please plan to participate!
A. Skill:
15-20min Clock –
Tabata Hollow/Arch on Ground (4 rounds)
Hollow/Arch and Pike/Arch Practice on Rings and/or Pull-Up Bars.
Focus: Active shoulder, head up, tight quads, tight butt, toes pointed.
The better that you can coordinate snapping your body from a pike position into a tight arch, the more efficient you will become at all ring/bar work.
Banded Shoulder Overhead – 2 x 45s ea side
Sumo Deadlift High Pull (75/55)
D. Post-WOD Recovery:
Foam Roll Upper Back – 2min ea side
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