A. Skill:
12min of practice – Sumo Deadlift High Pull
Sets of 10 – Practice executing these with painstakingly perfect technique. Find a weight that you can cycle for 10 reps.
Box + Band Ankle Mobility – 2 x 30s ea side
12min AMRAP –
2 Deadlift (225/155)
10 Double Unders
4 Deadlift
20 Double Unders
6 DL
30 DU
8 DL
40 DU
10 DL
50 DU
12 DL
60 DU
…continue adding 2 deadlifts and 10 double unders until time runs out.
Score is rounds + reps.
A round is completing all deadlifts and all double unders
D. Post-WOD Recovery:
Partner Calf Smash – 2mi ea side
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