Three Days Left…10/22/14


This coming Saturday, we will be hosting part 2 of our Fall Workshop Series focusing on Running.
Here is what to expect:
Running is a skill.
It’s a necessary skill to cope with the unknown and unknowable demands life may throw at you.
Whether you need to run through an airport to catch a plane, along the sideline to cheer on your child, or to escape the Zombie apocalypse, at some point you’ll want to run better.
How does posture affect your run?
What CrossFit skills transfer to better running?
How can you run the same speed using less oxygen?
Why can’t you sprint faster?
We’ll cover these and more, including gait analysis to help you run more efficiently and stay injury free.
Use the following link to sign up NOW!


A. Weightlifting:

Overhead Squat – 12min to 2RM


Banded Overhead Shoulder Flexion – 3 x 30s ea side
LAX 1st Rib – 3 x 30s ea side
For Time –
Run 800m
40 Overhead Squats (95/65)
Run 800m
D. Post-WOD Recovery:
LAX Ball or Foam Roll Your Lats – 2min per side

Running To Our Workshop Perhaps?!
Running To Our Workshop Perhaps?!

people working out in a group fitness class


Talk with a coach to see if working out at Coaching For Glory is right for you.
Free Consult