For those that were around when we did the continuous front squats last year, you’ll recall two things:
1. They produce phenomenal endurance in your legs
2. They are miserable to do
A. Weightlifting:
Thruster – 12min to 3RM
Front Rack – 3 x 30s ea side
15min AMRAP –
6 Continuous Front Squats
12 KB High Pulls (53/35)
18 Sit-Ups
*Note: Continuous front squats are just squats that are done unbroken and without ANY pause at the top (or bottom) of the movement. So at the top, you must descend down immediately after your hips and knees reach full extension. No sitting at the bottom either. If you stop, pause, or drop the bar before all reps are completed, you must start your reps all over.
D. Post-WOD Recovery:
Jog 800m easy OR 3min easy row
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