The Weeks that Were…4/8-4/19

Ok, I realize this is long overdue. My sincere apologies. Now that we’re completely moved in, we will be back on schedule next week. In the meantime, enjoy some of the things that went on the past couple of weeks at CrossFit For Glory:
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– Ah yes, “Deload Week.” I’m still deleting hate mail from that one…
– Can’t tell you how proud I am of everyone that came out to RUN on Monday…brought a tear to my eye
– Breathing ladder…everyone seemed to like that. But did you also know it was a great way to trick you into doing a LOT of KB Swings???
– It also helped Dana set a new half-marathon record…she took 4th in her age group and 10th overall at the Iron Lady Race!! Nice work!
– You can all thank Jim for the 10 round push-up test…
– Depth drops were revealed for the first time ever
– Don’t worry, we’ll be utilizing them a lot more in the coming months!
– We had a bunch of people get their first handstand steps on Friday
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– Coming off the infamous deload week, on Monday everyone was forced to catch every snatch in the bottom position
– This is a good thing
– Even though most weren’t too comfortable with it
– Trust me, it will pay huge dividends in the long run…just ask Jay!
– Lateral box jumps are still not popular…more of them maybe?
– ‘Helen’ reared her ugly head on Tuesday…and was dominated!
– Dana had the quickest time, with a sub-9 that barely edged out Jim
– Is there any stopping this lady when running is involved??
– Eric Fuller returned on ‘Helen’ day…hehe, wise choice?
– Wednesday had a few skill elements as an appetizer for the big one – 1RM Deadlifts!
– Before we get to that, I don’t want to discount the RI-GOSH-DARN-DICULOUS push-up number that Jim posted – 150! He “stopped early” because he wanted to do another WOD with push-ups…after the 1RM deadlift
– I’m pretty sure that darn near every single person PR’d their deadlift
– Even Jordan, in his FIRST day back in a while, PR’d his!
– As a coach/gym owner, I’m proud to say that we had our first 500lb Deadlift – Good work Zack!
– Everyone says you had much more in the tank…
– Hamilton and Aviree’s older brother, Taylor, said he’ll be coming in soon to post the first 600lb Deadlift soon…
– If you saw the size of this guy, that won’t be a surprise!
– Heavy-ish thrusters came out last week…preview of something to come perhaps?!
– 1RM Back squat kicked off Friday…again, a whole slew of new PR’s. It’s important to mention too that most people beat their old Low-Bar back squat number while doing high-bar…that’s a big deal!
– First 400lb back squat was done Friday night…well 405 to be exact. Any guesses as to who??
– Then, sneaky me, I snuck another couple benchmarks in after that – 2min ME Double Unders AND a partial ‘Nancy’ – sneaky sneaky!
– Oh yea, on top of all this, Mark James is STILL doing everything one handed…
A. Skill:
Back Squat – 5×3 @ 75%…w/ 5s pause in rock bottom
Ankle Mobility
Run 800m
40 KB Swings (53/35)
Run 400m
30 KB Swings
Run 200m
20 KB Swings

people working out in a group fitness class


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