The Week That Was…3/4-3/9

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A good portion of this recap will be dedicated to the first week of the CrossFit Games Open. If you missed out on the excitement from this past Saturday don’t worry, there are four more weeks of this goodness!!
– Kicking off the week was an epic showdown between Mark James and Chuck…taking off together on the final round, Mark made it to the wall balls first, but Chuck narrowly pulled off a victory by going unbroken on the final set…Great Job to both guys!
– Zack voted to do a 400m shuttle run instead of laps Monday night…
– He quickly changed his mind for rounds 2 and 3
– We have a couple people who either don’t like to count their reps or can’t count that high, either way I’m officially renaming those days “Math at High Heart Rate”
– Laurice made it back from San Diego with a gift for me and my little man Jesse – shirts from another box! So excited to rock them, thanks Laurice!
– Everyone learned that 5 seconds is much longer than they think, especially with a loaded barbell on the shoulders!
– Kelly was the lone ‘RX’ on the board for Wednesday’s WOD…chalk that up to her hard work on the handstand push ups. Thor’s daughter better watch her back next year!
– Lateral box jumps were not popular, but everyone knocked them out beautifully
– Tabrez and Tim have a secret rivalry going on, so please egg them on any time you see one of them
– Out of the blue, Sarah O’Brien decided to do 13.1 on Thursday with Josh Luck. She said “Well, I might as well suffer alongside someone else!”
– Josh narrowly, and I mean NARROWLY, missed out on locking out a 135lb snatch
– Josh has only been coming for like a month!
– Christy informed me that Kai is now driving…
– Watch out FH Residents!
– Without her knowing it, I got Lisa to do 5 rounds of “Cindy” for a WOD where she was the only one present
– Maybe I’ll sneak in a “Fran” sometime without you guys knowing it…
– Lisa also made it FIVE days in a row
– Heather kicked off 13.1 with a 141 (!) rep performance that cemented her first place finish for the females, and second place finish overall for our box!
– She also did it alone, at 6:30am!
– Friday saw Jenny kick it off for the ladies…after missing three consecutive reps at 75lb, she promptly knocked out 3 unbroken reps on her way to finishing with 107! With 3 seconds to go, Roger told her “You’re done, great job!” only to see her do one last rep as time was expiring…like I always say, work to the very last second!
– On Friday night, we were treated to a nervous trio as Mark G., Gretchen, and Zack all had to get the WOD done early too. My favorite moment of that was hearing Gretchen yell to Mark: “Get me water!”
– At one point, Zack ripped off 5 (!) unbroken reps at 135
– I think it’s cause he got tired of hearing me yell to “Get on the bar”
– With less than five seconds left, it appeared he was done, but Tabrez got right in his face and yelled to GET ONE MORE. He looked at the clock, grabbed the bar, and threw it over his head
– That’s what I LOVE about the open, it makes everyone give just that little bit more of themselves than they normally would
– Saturday was such a great official kickoff to the Open season throw downs that we’ll have each of the next four Saturdays. If you missed it, you gotta get there to witness what goes on
– Chuck, Bob, Michael, Tabrez, Mark J., Roger, Karen, Jessica, Sarah R., Megs, Kelly, Tim, James, and Jay – words cannot describe how proud I was to see you guys give every last ounce of yourselves on Saturday. The crowd – you guys provided more energy than you can ever imagine. What a phenomenal start to this Open season…I cannot wait to see what the next week brings
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– Kelly gets credit for the meanest face of the day…and yes, she looked this angry at the bar for every.single.rep. Love it:
– Quote of the week is actually two, and both come in the form of a text. About the topic of WOD 13.1, Michael Grant wrote to me: “Ooo man, I am a little rattled to do this thing…” I replied “Haha, that’s a good thing.” Then he said “No! I can do a road race and not stress but this…Mm crazy”
– Zack said about 13.1: “My WOD anxiety is really hurting my work performance today.”
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A. Skill:
Overhead Squat – 5×5
Torture Chamber
3 minute AMRAP of:
*Rest 2 minutes.
5 minute AMRAP of:
30 Double-Unders
15 Overhead Squats (95/65)

people working out in a group fitness class


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