“Before CrossFit For Glory (CFG) my biggest struggle was…
the monotony of my workouts and lack of fun being had while doing the workouts. Feeling frustrated with the same thing, same workout. Another frustration I had was nutrition. Everyone out there seems to have a different opinion on how and what you should be eating. It’s confusing. I wanted a healthy lifestyle that was sustainable, not unreasonable.”
“These struggles and frustrations carried over into my everyday life because…
I just quit working out and eating well and generally did not care about my health. Which then affected all areas of my life but mostly my sleeping habits, mood, and self-confidence.
“Before starting at CFG I was always tired, lacked energy and motivation to do much of anything. I felt like I was not being a good wife, mom, friend or example to my kids.”
“CFG helped me set goals both in my workouts and with my nutrition. I have been challenged and kept accountable. The workouts are fun (well…..the majority of them!) and always different. My confidence has grown in myself realizing that I could do a lot more than I ever gave myself credit for. I have participated in a few of the nutrition challenges and have learned so much about how and what to eat to maintain a healthly mind and body.”
Is life different now?
“I don’t think that my daily life is much different now than when I started at CFG, I think it’s my mindset in life that’s different. Yes, I workout more and eat better than I ever have before, so that’s different but the biggest change in myself has been my mindset. I came to CFG looking for a new workout and to lose some weight but I found so much more. I found a place that challenges me to be better every day, not only in the gym but outside the gym. I found a group of people that build each other up and genuinely care about each others well being. I found a positive, healthy lifestyle that allows me to do this crazy life better.”