In case you live under a rock and missed the post, we released full details of our upcoming Lean Body Mass Experiment – be sure to read them here and sign up, some way, some how!!!
For your listening pleasure, “Return of the Mack.” All you CFG high-schoolers, this was a mid-90’s smash hit!
I should have titled this post, “Return of the Chalk,” because it returns today! Remember what Aretha Franklin said:
A. Weightlifting:
Deadlift – 15min to Heavy Triple (not a 3RM!)
Reverse Hyper – 2 x 15 reps
“Not Quite Cindy”
20min AMRAP
3 Rounds of Cindy
1 Deadlift
1) Round of Cindy =
5 Pull-Ups
10 Push-Ups
15 Air Squats
2) Score = Total # of deadlifts + extra reps
D. Post-WOD Recovery:
Row 500 easy OR Run 400m easy