Regained Glory!

12771999_792163744223613_5294390605102606249_oWhat brought you to CFG?
My son, William, brought me to CFG. William and I worked out at the YMCA and with negligible gains. I wasn’t much of a coach; we didn’t have any programming, no real intensity, and no real results. So he could reach his fullest athletic potential. We—and I mean me—wanted something more for William. After he began CrossFit, I saw him flourish and begin making gains at CFG, but more important to me at the time, he was seeing his gains on the baseball field. I wanted some of that.
What was your first impression?
I began Crossfit and my first impression was “I was pathetic and out of shape”. Crossfit was no place for me. I couldn’t do this and make any meaningful gains. So I will just spend time with my son William. However, I noticed no one, and I mean no one, judged me and my affliction. In fact, I was strictly fortified by coaches and peers to stay within myself. To paraphrase something said to me, don’t try and keep up with others, it’s about you, and it’s about the reps.
How has that changed?
I had enough exercising, dieting, and caring for my body and I thought I was done. Then it happened… I started seeing gains; small ones, additional pull-ups, finishing with others (not last), and then those beautiful gold stars for the PRs started to appear, and on occasion I started moving up on the whiteboard. I realized I was benefiting from the WOD and then the WOD became my drug of choice. All at once, I realized that I am an athlete. No, not like I was earlier in my life….better. Better because I am no longer chasing small short term goals. You know the ones …a better 5K time, a heavier bench press, or a David like physique. Okay…maybe I wouldn’t mind the last one. The point is that the epiphany happened and I came to realize fitness is a lifestyle choice with no expiration date. A choice that will benefit and be with me as long I chose to be active.
What are you most proud of?
There isn’t any one thing. I am proud of my sons, William and Mark Jr., and their commitment to healthy living. They are learning how to do it right and they are steadfast in their devotion to improve themselves. They are becoming great young men. Second, I am proud of my wife, Theresa, and her willingness, and now eagerness, to be more human and the changes in her are amazing. I am proud of my effort. I have the community’s attitude and the coaches’ guidance to thank for them all.
What have you achieved?
When I first came to CFG I weighed 176 lbs. (5’6”). I didn’t sleep well; I suffered from knee, spine, foot pain, and the shoulder flexibility of cold steel. Today, with help of AdvoCare and CFG, I weighed in at 146 lbs. I have lowered my blood pressure, resting heart rate, and increased my introspection at work, home, and play. Most of all I am enthusiastic for my regained active lifestyle. Bottom line, I am physically stronger, mentally sharper, and more spiritually aware than I have been in years.
What’s your next goal to hit?
More important than any short term goal is staying consistent and never settling! I want to continue to stay within my abilities and know that it doesn’t get any easier, but realizing that I am into fitness for the long haul and that I have my whole life for continued improvements.
What’s your favorite CFG memory?
Hands down, Memorial Day and Murph! When it comes to this topic I become emotional. I love seeing the CFG community gather and honor military members that sacrificed everything in service to our nation. I am moved to tears to see everyone’s solemnity as the workout’s reasoning is explained. Then the subsequent effort, as if each athlete is sharing in the fallen’s sacrifice. From my view, that is amazing.

people working out in a group fitness class


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