Specialty Course: Weightlifting:
Who is this for? This program is intended for anyone interested in learning more about Olympic Weightlifting, the snatch and clean & jerk.
How? 4weeks of (2) – 1 hour sessions with a Coach and 2 individually programmed sessions to be completed independently. The independent programming is to be completed during Open Gym times.
Goals: The focus here will be on building motor patterns through deliberate repetition. As I’m sure you’ve heard – “Practice makes permanent.” We want that ‘permanent’ to be sound, efficient, and safe technique. And we want to see you set some new PRs!
Here are some of the things that you can expect to be emphasized:
- Snatch
- Clean & Jerk
- Accessory Work
- How to warm-up for max effort lifts
- Differences between power and full variations
(This course is designed to be a supplement, not a replacement, for your regular CrossFit group classes.)
When? Our first class will be held on Thurday evening, May 16th @ 7pm.
Classes will be held every Tuesday and Thursday from 7-8pm.
Cost for the 4-week course is $125.
The final class, Thursday June 13th, will be a mock weightlifting meet where we will test your 1RMs in a more formal setting!
Finally, this course will be limited to just 8 people and is available on a first-come, first-served (or signed up!) basis. Here is a link to secure your spot if you’re a member.