Pick It Up…12/13/13

There are a few days that I absolutely LOVE more than any other in the gym – benchmark days and max height box jump days are but two of those examples. But there are NO days that compare to a max lift. I don’t care if it’s a snatch, clean and jerk, or in today’s case – a DEADLIFT. That’s right, today is 1RM Deadlift day. And I get just as excited about someone lifting 35 pounds as I do about someone lifting 500 pounds. So don’t be shy. Come in and lift some heavy weight. Heck, even the Elf likes to lift:
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A. Skill:
20min to 1RM Deadlift
Sit down, rest, recover
For Time –
200 Russian-style KB Swings (53/35)
Starting at 0:00 and EMOM, perform 1 Clean and Jerk @ 75% 1RM
1. Calm down people, Russian style are just to eye-level, remember?!
2. Yes, the cleans must be a FULL SQUAT. Every. Single. Rep. Otherwise, it’d say “POWER” clean.
3. I really really really wanted to do 100 burpees but figured nobody would show up. Wait, does that mean that’s what it really is…?

people working out in a group fitness class


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