There is NO MORE 10am class – it has been moved to 9am!!
A. Weightlifting:
Split Jerk – 15min to 2RM (w/ 2s pause 1st rep)
Check out this video for what your 1st rep will look like…well, minus the 220kg load.
After that 1st SJ, you will lower back to your shoulders and perform a regular SJ with no pause.
Fix your crummy overhead position!!
Tabata That Arm:
Single Arm DB Snatch (L)
Single Arm DB Snatch (R)
Single Arm DB Push Press (L)
Single Arm DB Push Press (R)
DB weight = 25% above load
Unlike a regular tabata, you will NOT do all 8 rounds of one movement before moving to the next. Instead, each 10s rest interval will be your time to transition to the next movement/arm.
But, you will still do 8 rounds of each!