Couple Quick Announcements:
1. This coming Saturday is the “Kera Young Benefit WOD.” Hopefully by now you’ve had a chance to read all about it…and even RSVP! If not please take the time to visit the link above and check it out.
2. Starting Tuesday night of this week, we are adding a 7PM class to immediately follow the already in-place 6pm class. NO, it is NOT replacing any classes. It is simply another class for you guys to choose from…something you’ve been asking about for a while now. Well, now it’s here. See you then!
3. Extra work for this week
A. Skill:
GH Raises – 3 x 10
Good Ol’ Fashioned Hamstring Stretch!
Deadlift (225/155)
RX+ will do GHD sit-ups
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