We had a lot big things going on this weekend with our athletes. Michael Grant and Tabrez Noorani competed in a MASSIVE competition in Orlando at the Europa Raid Games. Crystal Harris ran the Iron Lady Half Marathon. All in all a pretty successful weekend for our CFG Athletes!
But now, we must get back to lifting some heavy heavy weight. This is the start of our “off-season” programming. I know that doesn’t matter much to most of you, but for those that care – now you know! What does that mean? Eh, more of the same: heavy weightlifting, heavy squatting, lots of all around fun CrossFit WODs, and much better fitness! Today, we start a little mini 4-week cycle focused on 20RM back squats. Translation: you just might see Jesus.
A. Weightlifting:
Back Squat – 15min to 20RM
Note: One attempt only. DO NOT do sets of 20 for your warm-ups. A decent guess for loading is 65-70% of your 1RM Back Squat.
– Rest 1 Minute, then:
Front Squat f/ Max Reps @ load above
Note: This is to be done after exactly 1min rest of the 20RM above!
Ankle Mobility
3 RFT –
15 T2B
15 Burpee Box Jumps (24/20)
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