
Ok everyone, last month our challenge to you all was to row 1000 calories by month end. I think its safe to say that nearly everyone who started that challenge passed it with flying colors. We even saw some folks finishing up on the last day on a cruise ship – nice work Brian Williams!
Now its time to move onto the next challenge. So, for the month of February, your challenge is to complete:
(The challenge is complete 1000 burpees before March 1st. And yes, I literally just realized that I picked the shortest month of the year to do this…But think about this – you can do them ANYWHERE! And if you average just 35 burpees per day, you’ll have it licked by month-end!)
Moving on…
Remember that time we went to Skateland? Let me sum up how entertaining the entire night was in 3 awesome photos. DO NOT have a mouth full of food or beverage prior to scrolling down. You’ve been warned! Create your own story and post to comments:
And finally, for the workout:
20min Alternating EMOM –
10 Front Squats (65/45)
15 Russian KB Swings (53/35)
-rest 2 minutes before moving to WL piece-
Front Rack
C. Weightlifting:
10min to 1RM Clean
1) Rest 2 minutes after WOD before beginning clean attempts
2) If you jump forward, you cannot add weight
3) If you cannot transition smoothly into full clean, you cannot add weight – i.e. NO power clean + front squat is allowed
D. Post-WOD Recovery:
Foam Roll Low Back

people working out in a group fitness class


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