“There are two ways of spreading light: to be the candle or the mirror that reflects it.”
–Edith Wharton
Focusing on Real Food Not Food Products
Shoulder &Tricep activation
B. Skill:
12-15min of HSPU practice.
This will be individualized today, with three different pathways:
-If strength is your weakness, find a progression that is challenging for 5 reps and perform 5×5 at that progression. This can include: hand release push-ups, pike push-ups, box push-ups, strict HSPU, or a dip variation.
-If technique is your weakness, find a spot on the wall and practice kicking up to it, lowering yourself, and kipping the handstand push-up.
-If volume/muscular endurance is your weakness, warm-up properly and perform 1 max effort set of kipping handstand push-ups. Set is over when you come off of the wall.
C. Metcon:
12min Ascending Ladder:
10-20-30-40-50-etc… Double Unders
1-2-3-4-5-etc… Handstand Push-Ups
*Double Under scale = Double Under attempts (half the amount) for the first 6min of the workout. After 6min, Single Unders.
*HSPU scale = Box Push-Ups (same amount)
Shoulder &Tricep activation
B. Skill:
12-15min of HSPU practice.
This will be individualized today, with three different pathways:
-If strength is your weakness, find a progression that is challenging for 5 reps and perform 5×5 at that progression. This can include: hand release push-ups, pike push-ups, box push-ups, strict HSPU, or a dip variation.
-If technique is your weakness, find a spot on the wall and practice kicking up to it, lowering yourself, and kipping the handstand push-up.
-If volume/muscular endurance is your weakness, warm-up properly and perform 1 max effort set of kipping handstand push-ups. Set is over when you come off of the wall.
C. Metcon:
12min Ascending Ladder:
10-20-30-40-50-etc… Double Unders
1-2-3-4-5-etc… Handstand Push-Ups
*Double Under scale = Double Under attempts (half the amount) for the first 6min of the workout. After 6min, Single Unders.
*HSPU scale = Box Push-Ups (same amount)
Post WOD Recovery:
Lax ball + trap/scapula
Banded Overhead Shoulder Stretch – 1min/side