Veteran’s Day is next Tuesday. We will be having just ONE WOD @ 9am. It will be worth it.
Halloween Spooktacular! Monique, is that burpees??
A. Skill: (possible look into movements that are important this week????)
Spend some QUALITY time practicing these movements:
10 minutes to complete 3 Rounds –
Pistol Progressions: band assisted, counter balance, or unassisted.
Muscle-Up Turnovers: feet assisted, single foot assisted, band assisted
Kip: hollow-arch. Focus on push-pull with arms while squeezing abs, butt, and legs
LAX Ball + Hip Flexor – 3 x 30s ea side
For Time –
Row 1k
30 Pistols
30 KB Swings (53/35)
D. Post-WOD Recovery:
Partner Quad Smash – 2min ea leg