Today’s WOD will be a single modality event, a 500m row. The beautiful part about WODs like this are that they afford you the opportunity to give all out maximal effort without the hesitation that normally accompanies you during a WOD with multiple movements.
In today’s case, there is nothing else to “save yourself” for.
All you have to do is row.
Row as hard and as fast as you possible can. If you don’t feel like you have to fall out of the rower when you finish, then you didn’t go hard enough.
A. Skill:
Today you will practice your muscle-up progressions. It doesn’t matter if you have them, don’t have them, or don’t want them. The positional work alone will help to improve so many of the things we ask you to do on a daily basis.
Hollow/Arch Swing w/ False Grip – 5xME
Seated Band Assisted Turnover w/ False Grip – 5×5
*No press-out of the dip is required/necessary
The goal for this is to ingrain good motor patterns into your body. Therefore, don’t do these with crummy position. If you cannot get into or maintain the hollow/arch from the rings, then you need to practice it on the ground and try to translate the feeling you get on the ground up to the rings when you hang.
For those that have muscle-ups, you may perform full reps ONLY when you have gone through three sets of the above progression with the rest of the group. Then, you will also do:
Muscle-Ups – 2xME
Lying leg flexion w/ external rotation…or the “spider man” stretch for some of you!
4 Rounds, Each For Time, of:
Row 500m
Rest 2 minutes
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