Today, Monday February 15th, Coach Heather Avery goes into surgery to have a procedure done on her knee.
Over the past several years, Heather has been a steady light not only at the helm of the 5:30am (previously 6:30am) classes, but also by my side as my right-hand (wo)man. Very few, if any, decisions about dealings with things at the box get made without me asking for her input.
If you have been around CFG for any length of time, or if you check the leaderboard with any sort of frequency, you likely know Heather.
And you know that she most definitely identifies as a CrossFitter.
Knowing this, you also probably know that when she comes back from this knee operation, there will be NO off-time. As soon as she receives the all-clear from her doc, she will begin the healing process.
Just like she has done each time in the past.
Heather, I don’t know that I’ve ever told you this, but one of the most admirable things about you is your ability to set your eyes on a goal and continue to march forward to that goal no matter the obstacles that you face. I’ve been around CrossFit a looooong time. And I’ve seen ALL of the inspirational stories of people laying aside their excuses and making it into the box to continue bettering themselves. And they’re all incredible. But to personally witness someone that you are very close to carry on is pretty freaking neat. I’ve seen a lot of people over the years give up on their desire to workout in the face of {insert obstacle here}, but not you. So while I know you are really not looking forward to another knee surgery, just know that at the very least you are providing inspiration to ME to keep marching forward no matter the difficulties life inevitably tosses my way.
CFG gang, I could share with you a thousand stories from across the globe about someone losing a limb, or facing surgery, or a broken back, or being overweight, or a bum elbow, or {insert injury here}, and their story about how they pushed forward in the face of all that. And you’d probably get fired up and decide that your excuse(s) didn’t really compare and resolve to do something about it.
But how about we stay local and cheer Heather on as she begins her journey back to improved health, wellness, and ultimately fitness.
Once the doc gives the “all clear,” you’ll find her at the box. Doing whatever she is capable of doing on that particular day.
Some days will be much harder than others.
Some days she won’t want to do anything.
But she’ll keep coming back.
Day in and day out.
She will show up.
She will NOT QUIT!
Hurry back Heather, you know #sealteam530 won’t put up with other coaches for very long!
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