Holiday Schedule…12/18/13

You should have received the following info via email today, but in case you have not checked it yet here are some of the pertinent highlights:

1. Holiday Schedule

During the holidays, life gets in the way and it becomes hard to stick to the good habits you’ve created in regards to your pursuit of health and fitness. Check out this quick post from last year around the same time about staying on track through the Christmas and New Year holidays. With that being said, I want you all to know that the next few weeks are designed to take us into the next phase of training with a reduction in volume and intensity. What does that mean for you? Well, if you’ve been out of commission for a while, NOW IS THE TIME to get back in here. If you’ve been consistent all along, then enjoy the reduction in total workload – your body deserves the break. In keeping with the holiday theme, here is our updated schedule for the next two weeks:

This Coming Friday and Christmas Week –
Friday 12/20: 10am cancelled, all others are normal
Tuesday 12/24: 4pm & 6pm cancelled, all others are normal
Wednesday (Christmas!): ALL classes cancelled
Thursday 12/26: 9am & 6pm only
Friday-Saturday 12/27-28: Normal

New Years Week –
Tuesday 12/31: 5pm & 7pm cancelled, all others are normal
Wednesday (New Years Day): Stay Tuned, one class possible!
Thursday 1/2 – Saturday 1/4: Normal

Please keep up with our FaceBook and WOD pages for the most up-to-date schedule changes!!

2. Permanent Class Schedule Change

Starting on Tuesday December 24th, we will no longer have a 4pm class on Tuesdays and Thursdays. That means that today (12/17) and Thursday (12/19) are the last two sessions at that time. There is simply not enough sustained interest in that time slot. Stay tuned for which NEW CLASS will be replacing it as soon as we make the move into the new facility next year!
As I briefly mentioned above, things are scaled back this week and next in terms of overall volume and intensity. It will be most evident in the squatting cycle that you all have come to know and love the past 8 weeks. In more official terms, this transition period is known as a “deload” week. It serves two purposes:
1. Transition from one cycle, or phase, of our training program to another
2. Prep the body for a testing cycle…any guesses on what we’ll be testing and when?!
A. Skill:
Front/Back Squat – 4 x 2/4 @ 80% 1RM Front Squat
Shoulder and Ankle Prep
For Time –
20 Pull-Ups
Run 800m
20 Pistols (ea leg)
Run 800m
20 Pull-Ups

people working out in a group fitness class


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