No, I didn’t lose my mind and mistake todays holiday for another day. Today is, in fact, quite a very important birthday. Two years ago today, Mandy and I were blessed with the most wonderfully sweet and absolutely adorable Jesse Gabriel. One thing that has been so great is that we have been able to share this journey with you all as he was born just a few months after we opened. You’ve all been like family to him so much so that he calls many of you by name…even after we’ve gone home! Needless to say, we are so happy that Jesse has all you guys to be such important parts of his life and cannot wait to continue creating great memories each day!
In honor of a little guy with the most perfect squat I’ve ever seen, I figure it’s only right that we squat today as well!
A. Skill:
a) Back Squat – 5×5 @ 80%, rest 90s
(Do this at 80% of your most recent 1RM OR at 90% of your most recent 3RM…whichever is GREATER!)
b) Muscle-Up Hollow and Arch Swing Practice
Spiderman Stretch f/ Hip External Rotation
Tabata This –
Overhead Squats (45/35)
KB High Pulls (53/35)
20m Shuttle Sprints
1)The tabata interval is where you do 20 seconds of work followed by 10 seconds of rest. You will do as many of the prescribed exercise as possible during that 20 seconds. Each movement will be performed for 8 rounds, in succession. This means you will complete ALL 8 rounds of one movement before moving onto the next one.
2) For the overhead squats, the resting position for the bar will be in the back rack – NOT the ground.
3) You score is the LOWEST score for each movement.
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