Today marks the birthday of our ‘Prodigal Son’ who has come home…Welcome Back and Happy Birthday Zack Grossman! At his request, we will be doing something with a heavy shoulder to overhead component. The other movement? Well, now we can’t give the birthday boy everything he wants, right?!
A. Skill:
3RM TNG Clean
Kneeling Hip Internal Rotation
8min Ascending Ladder –
3 S2OH (155/115)
3 Burpees
6 S2OH
6 Burpees
9 S2OH
9 Burpees
…continue up the ladder by 3’s until the 8min time cap!
Thoughts on this one: As you can see from the RX weights, this WOD is designed to be very HEAVY for most of our members! Do NOT sandbag the weight on this one.
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