Ok gang, Friday is here and it’s time to finish out the week strong! Before we get to the fun stuff, I want to give a huge shout-out to two great things that happened in the box on Thursday…
1. Birthday boy George took first place in the WOD – he was the only one to finish 4 complete rounds of that nastiness. Nice work!!
2. Sarah Rowley accomplished a goal from the board today by knocking out a HUGE front squat PR of 75lbs…AWESOME!
Now, back to our regular programming…We’ve got a nice little mash-up of things to choose from today…
You can either do:
A. Skill:
Back Squat – 5×3 @ 80%
Posterior Chain Smash and Floss – so excited about this one…it’s my new FAV!
Box Jump (30/24)
Push Press (155/115)
Strict Chin Up
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