“When you find an idea that you just can’t stop thinking about, that’s probably a good one to pursue.”
–Josh James
Paleo? Primal? Keto? What does all this mean and what is right for you? Why’s it have to be a labeled diet? Working with a nutrition coach is your best option to be sure you are eating the way your body is meant to.
A. Warmup:
Accumulate 2 mins in each –
Hang from bar
Hand Stand Hold
B. Weightlifting:
15 Mins to Establish a 5-rep OHS
C. Metcon:
3RFT –
15 OHS (95/65) RX+ (115/75)
15 Strict Pull-ups
15 Hang Power-Clean (95/65) RX+ (115/75)
15 Knees to Elbow
15 Push Press (95/65) RX+ (115/75)
*Aim for a weight that allows 15 unbroken at least once, you’re expected to break during the WoD
500m row or 1000m bike