For those that are not aware, one of your fellow CrossFitters, Eric Fuller, lost a bet to Roger Johnson with regards to the Presidential Election. In short, Eric is paying his debt this Saturday…what debt is that, you ask?
Roger and his lovely wife Jenny have been gracious enough to invite you all over to witness this awesome feat this Saturday at 11:30am at their crib. If you’d like to go, please post to the comments below and we’ll get you the info. Also, please just bring a little something to eat.
———————————- Moving On…
I came across this article and thought it was quite fitting as I’m constantly getting asked about high cholesterol and what it really means…this will
———————————- And now onto the WOD…
A. Skill:
1RM Snatch
Overhead mobility
10min AMRAP
Buy-In: ?? Burpees
8 Ring Dips
16 KB Swings (53/35)
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