Fall 2016 Nutrition Challenge!

Are you looking to get a jump start on the holiday season and shed a few pounds early?
Maybe you would prefer to strap on a few pounds of muscle?
Or you might even just want to have more energy, sleep more soundly, and feel better in general?
None of the above?
Well, how about a chance to win a pair of the new Reebok Nano 6.0’s?!
Yep, you read that right – the winner(s) of this fall’s nutrition challenge will bring home a brand new pair of the Reebok CrossFit Nano 6.0’s!
In any case, you might as well sign up for this Falls Nutrition Challenge!
Over the years, we’ve done a fair number of different styles of nutrition challenges, so we’re aware of what works best when it comes to getting you the results you want. Early last year, we ran a ‘Lean Body Mass’ challenge where we brought in a dunk tank to measure your body composition, and then programmed a set of macronutrients for you to follow based on your goals. It was incredibly successful…
This time around, we’ve got something that is going to blow that one away! Instead of dunking you guys underwater, with the hysterical few freakout moments, we bought our own body composition measuring device and will be doing everything in house! Without further ado, here is the Inbody 270:
So here’s a couple of neat things about this machine:

  • Each test takes just 15s
  • No dunking in water
  • Wicked accuracy
  • Measures your fat, muscle, and water levels
  • Unique, individual printout that will show your body composition changes over time (see example sheet below)

Ok, so about the challenge…

  • It will start on Monday, September 19th and will end on Sunday, October 30th – so 6 weeks total
  • Points will be earned (or lost) through the following categories: food, water, workouts, sleep, and essential fatty acids (fish oil or similar).
  • There will be a baseline workout performed at the beginning that we will retest at the conclusion
  • Winner need only tell me their shoe size and preferred color!

So, what do you get? Check out the sweet flyer that describes it all:
So, how do you win and bring home a sweet new pair of kicks?

  • Accumulate the most points
  • Improve on the baseline workout
  • Improve your body composition

We will be having a short information session on Saturday, September 10th just after the 9am workout. Natalie and Josh will be present to answer all your questions and get you signed up!

Now the last question: ARE YOU IN??

people working out in a group fitness class


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