Five and a half years ago, the following was posted in our private staff FB group where we introduce new clients to the coaching staff and provide a bit of background:
“Emily Rulli is our latest foundations graduate. She was a competitive gymnast for 11 years and is a sophomore at Bloomingdale High. Was burnt out and has taken a few years off. She’s wanting to get back in shape. Super fast learner, great body awareness and needless to say has strength, competitive drive and is highly motivated as most gymnasts are.”
– Coach Margaret

The only thing not included in that message is that Emily is also the happiest human being on planet Earth and her ever-present smile is the very first thing I noticed about her when we first met. No joke, it is touuuuuggghhh to find any image where she isn’t smiling. That’s just ONE of the things that we love most about her. She is the walking embodiment of our first value at CFG: “Experience Joy.”

It didn’t take long for us to figure out that not only did she embody our values, she was also uniquely curious about coaching. So before you know it, she was taking on a large role coaching adults and kids!
I’ve had to write a number of posts like this in the past, but they never get any easier. Ask any business owner what the hardest part of their chosen career path is and they’ll all say the same thing: the people. They make the business what it is, but when someone moves on, they make it really really tough.
This is Emily’s last week with us as a Coach at CFG. She is embarking on a very big step in her college career with a very demanding internship on the horizon, and needs to put 100% focus into that.
This is very bittersweet – I am going to miss many things about this amazing young lady – her eternal optimism, infectious smile, and a laugh that brightened many a mood over the years.
You know what I won’t miss? Her pummeling me in any fitness endeavor…girl is seriously fit! All joking aside, I could not be more proud of the woman that Emily has turned into since she first graced our doors with her presence back in 2016.
Although I’m sure that I speak for everyone she’s positively impacted for so many years, its worth emphasizing: Emily, we love you and wish you nothing but the best wherever life takes you!