Here we are with part three of your continuing education. For this post, I’d like to share with you a few websites that range from athlete blogs to subject matter experts in the field of olympic weightlifting. Between Jay and I, I would wager a guess that we visit most all of these sites on a daily basis. Add some of these to your regular website perusing habits and you’ll be all the wiser!
Catalyst Athletics: Greg Everett, the head guy at Catalyst, is one of the most renowned coaches in the sport of weightlifting. There is a phenomenal section of demo videos on the site where they showcase every movement under the sun if it relates to the snatch and clean & jerk. Subscribe to their newsletter. Now. It’s Free!
Talayna Fortunato’s Training Blog: Better known as ‘T,’ she is the reigning 3rd fittest woman in the world and is from the Southeast Region! She sends out a post daily that recaps her training regimen. It’s a great look into what it kind of commitment and workload it takes to be one of the best. She also provides awesome feedback to herself (and whomever else is reading) that is invaluable to look back on. Subscribe for free the guy who runs this website bascially scours the ENTIRE internet for all things related to lifting weights. Awesome strength feats, day-in-the-life features of CrossFit athletes, European WL Championships…he covers it all in a very non-biased way.
CrossFit Invictus: Head coach CJ Martin (no relation) writes great blog pieces about all things CrossFit related. He’s a sharp dude who has been at it a while and always has something worthwhile to share. Must be the last name, right?! We already reviewed his book on day 1, but KStarr just launched a brand new website to better serve the masses. I have not had time to properly dissect every facet of the new site, but it looks much more user friendly at first glance. I did, however, notice a nifty little button towards the top that reads “Get Oriented.” I think that’s as good a place to start as any!
A. Skill:
Clean & Jerk – 7×3, from the hang position
Front Rack
12min AMRAP –
40 KB High Pulls (53/35)
15 Burpees
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