As promised, here are some websites that will help expand your knowledge about all things health and fitness related. Take note of how many are nutrition related…yes, it’s THAT important! (he’s got not only a great blog section, but a fantastic weekly podcast on all sorts of health related topics. The website has a great search function that will undoubtedly take you to a post/podcast where they answered your question already. Oh yea, he has helped bring the Paleo movement to the mainstream and he has a great book called “The Paleo Solution.”) (Chris is a very accomplished guy that has a knack for debunking the latest knocks against the Paleo lifestyle. It seems that every couple of weeks, some mainstream media site releases something that puts the general population into a frenzy and attacks Paleo. He systematically takes apart their argument, intelligently and with copious amounts of research to back his positions up!) (Need a quick reference to give someone when they have umpteen questions about your new nutritional habits? Look no further…this particular page covers stuff in pretty good depth.) (Great perspective on all things ‘caveman,’ from recipes and exercising, to myth busting and Q&A’s.) (Dallas and Melissa are about as dogmatic with Paleo as they come, with no wiggle room, but they are incredibly smart and well versed in living a very healthy life. They also have a great 30-day challenge that has helped even a couple people at CFG lose some lbs!)
A. Skill:
Snatch from Hang – 7×3
Overhead Position
3 RFT –
Run 400m
10 Thrusters (115/75)
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