Ok Gang, here are the details for the 2014 CrossFit Games viewing party at the box:
When: Saturday (5p-8p or later?), Sunday (same)
Who: Family friendly, so bring them all!
Why: Because it’s awesome
How: On Saturday, bring a dish that everyone can enjoy. We will provide kabobs on the grill. On Sunday, its BYOD – bring your own dinner. We’ll have waters. If you want something else, bring it!
If possible, RSVP below so we can have an idea of how many people are coming!
A. Weightlifting:
12min to 3RM Bench Press
LAX + Chest – 3 x 30s
Tabata Your Arms –
Hand Release Push Ups
Push Press (65/45)
*In this WOD, you will do eight rounds of 20 seconds on, 10 seconds off, of each movement. You will complete all 8 rounds of one movement before moving onto the next movement.
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