Couple of quick announcements:
1) If you haven’t seen the video we posted to FaceBook, I think you should probably go and take a look…if you want to stay in the know…ya know?!
2) Saturday May 24th we will be joining in with the local CrossFit community to help raise money for a coach at a sister gym – CrossFit BNI. We will be performing the WOD at our home gym (CFG), more details can be found here:
3) Monday May 26th is Memorial Day. Many of you know what that means – we will be doing “Murph”
A. Weightlifting:
15min to 3RM Deadlift
*Note – these MUST be touch and go, no drop!
Lower Leg Bits
15min AMRAP –
Run 400m
15 Deadlifts (135/95)
25 V-Ups