Blog Recap 7/1-7/6…

Happy Sunday Folks! If this is the only thing you read from me all week, I promise it’ll be worth it. In short, I figured it’d make the most sense to email a weekly recap of our blogs, and then depending on the cleverness of my titles, you can choose which blog appeals to you most. It was either that or continue to blow your email up every day. Although I will say that I reserve the right to send you anything I really don’t want you to miss out on!
But fret not, I will continue to post fresh content each and every day right here on our blog. If you’d like a direct link to it, click here. And I’m sure there is someone out there who could figure out a way to get some sort of automatic email thingy to occur every time I post a new blog, but alas I am not that person, HA! Without further ado, here were the blogs I wrote during the week of 7/1-7/6:
Hi, I’m Josh!
My Struggle…
Why I Read So Much…
My Recent Reading List…
How I Get My Reading In…
My Goals For This Week…
Which one did you connect with most?

people working out in a group fitness class


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